We have much more control over our health than the medical industry, and even our own doctors, would have us believe. It is not our inevitable destiny to have aches and pains, energy loss, and weight gain as we age. It is not even inevitable that our hearts will get weaker. If our parents suffered from heart disease or cancer, that does not mean we have to be afflicted with the same illnesses. We do not have to get old and sick. We can get old and healthy, as long as we feed our bodies the optimal diet.
Some doctors are becoming experts, not just in treatment through medicine, but in disease prevention and reversal by turning to nutrition to help their patients reverse chronic, potentially fatal illnesses, get off medications, and regain vitality. Don't take my word for it, if you watch the videos posted here and check out the other pages linked on this website, you can hear directly from the experts themselves.
The information provided here is based on strong scientific evidence that a whole-foods plant-based diet is the absolute best diet for optimal health. Evidence shows that a plant-based diet is the healthiest source of all nutrients including protein, with the single exception of vitamin B12, which can be easily supplemented. The science is overwhelmingly clear... animal products increase risks of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other common chronic illnesses. But again, don't take my word for it... learn for yourself!
Some doctors are becoming experts, not just in treatment through medicine, but in disease prevention and reversal by turning to nutrition to help their patients reverse chronic, potentially fatal illnesses, get off medications, and regain vitality. Don't take my word for it, if you watch the videos posted here and check out the other pages linked on this website, you can hear directly from the experts themselves.
The information provided here is based on strong scientific evidence that a whole-foods plant-based diet is the absolute best diet for optimal health. Evidence shows that a plant-based diet is the healthiest source of all nutrients including protein, with the single exception of vitamin B12, which can be easily supplemented. The science is overwhelmingly clear... animal products increase risks of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other common chronic illnesses. But again, don't take my word for it... learn for yourself!
Heart Disease
Watch this video for an introduction to how animal products affect your cardiovascular health, then click here to learn more. |
Watch this video for a quick introduction to how animal products increase your cancer risk, then click here to learn more. |
Watch this video for an introduction to how animal products cause weight gain, then click here to learn more. |
Watch this video for an introduction to how animal products create life-threatening Superbugs, then click here to learn more. |
Dairy does not help us build strong bones, and it carries many health risks. Click here to learn more. |
Other Health Concerns
In addition to life expectancy, as this video shows, and life-threatening conditions, as the other pages here show, consumption of animal products have been associated with many other common chronic illnesses. Click here to learn more. |
The Protein Myth